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I have the readings from the book now in pdf form! Click the links below and read the correct pages, then answer the questions at the end of each lesson. 

If it is easiest for you, feel free to submit all the documents together at one time after they are completed.  

Welcome back, I hope your spring break was awesome! 

Week of 4/14 - 4/16 the assignment is to complete the fooducate worksheets below. You can look the food & diet ppt for more information :) 


4/20 - 4/24 Movie time!


Watch supersizeme (rated pg13) Get permission from home - answer questions on the doc labeled supersize questions.




Watch Inside Out and write a review :) the review should include thoughts about moods, color of clothing, scenery at times etc.., try to make it a page :) or do your best and have fun! If these films are not available contact me for something else you may want to do. 





Optional: We do a food log for one week in class. It is below. Totally optional and no way to fail. It is a daily discussion topic in class and we discuss food types and what they consist of. This assignment is about time and duration, not quantity. It can be found below.

4/27 - 5/1 Cafe Menu


Create a healthy menu for your own cafe :


It can be found below (mymenuplanner doc) be creative and healthy. I dont have an example available :( Make it like an art project! You can use paper, an app, a pc prgram, etc.., whatever works for you! I look forward to them. 

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